Reported essays

Delirium of Scale: inside the weird, wonderful world of food-miniatures

Vittles, July 2024

On ‘carebots’ and the positive aspects of caregiving for humans - a feature essay

The Observer, May 2023, print and digital

On ‘carebots’ and the future of technology in care

Saga, April 2023, print only

Short essay on the boundaries of ‘family’ and the idea of ‘family abolition’

Refinery29, October 2022

On what it’s like to be a caregiver and how to support others in that situation

Good Housekeeping, April 2023, print only

Opinion pieces

Kate Garraway’s £500,000 debt shows the brutal reality of being a carer

i paper, March 2024

To solve the care crisis, re-imagine ‘family’

The Lead, October 2023

Cheap labour and AI won’t fix the care crisis - here’s a real solution

openDemocracy, July 2023

Eldercare is the new childcare, and carers need new rights

The Big Issue, June 2023, print and digital

Caring for loved ones should be a fundamental right - why isn’t it?

Washington Post, May 2023, print and digital

Borders, not traffickers, killed 46 people in Texas

openDemocracy, June 2022

Care circles

Red Magazine, December 2021

Transforming care must be central to any bold vision of a greener future

The Guardian, October 2021

Fixing the UK’s care crisis must be about more than government funding

openDemocracy, October 2021

On creating forms of collective care
The Guardian, May 2021

Partners in crime
The KOL Social, March 2021

On modern slavery as a political issue
The Guardian, January 2021

The problem with spotting the signs of modern slavery
Thomson Reuters, January 2021

On caring for a sick loved one and political change
The Guardian, October 2020

A lorry load of corpses in Essex, but no trafficking charges in court’
Open Democracy, October 2020

‘Britain has to choose: evict renters or tackle human trafficking’
Thomson Reuters, September 2020

Priti Patel is wrong, modern slavery in Leicester is built on her government's failures
The Guardian, July 2020

Getting anti-trafficking advocated on board with decriminalised sex work
Open Democracy, January 2020

After the Essex lorry deaths, what will it take to realise harder borders cause these tragedies?’
Huffington Post, October 2019

Is putting teeth into the Modern Slavery Act the solution to corporate supply chain exploitation?’
Thomson Reuters, October 2019

The Home Office is locking up victims of slavery - will Priti Patel do the right thing and end this cruelty?
Independent, July 2019

How UK immigration policy is making a marketplace for traffickers’
Thomson Reuters, April 2019

Here are the most common corporate arguments against the Living Wage
Independent, January 2016

Our fake book exposed Amazon’s fatal flaw
The Guardian, June 2014


On Lynne Segal’s book ‘Lean on Me’

Resurgence, January 2024

On Sophie Lewis’s ‘Abolish the Family’

Refinery29, October 2022

Watching Secretary 20 years on - on media, rape and the things we can’t express (not really a review but about a movie and a cultural moment)

Literary Hub, March 2022

Review essay on care, regarding The Care Manifesto (The Care Collective) and The Care Crisis (Emma Dowling)
Red Pepper Magazine, Issue 231, March 2021

‘Rigged Business’
Times Literary Supplement, February 2021

‘Inhuman Service’
Times Literary Supplement, July 2020


(I can’t really decide how to categorise these pieces - perhaps ‘thinkpiece’ is the best description but it’s not like the rest don’t also involve thought…thoughtful political essays exploring ideas)

Epistemic injustice: an invitation to ask new questions

Public Interest Research Centre, October 2023

Committing a Benevolent Insult? The misunderstanding at the heart of care policy

IPPR Progressive Review, August 2023

Should we abolish borders?

openDemocracy, August 2022

'How to kill a virus - state narratives and the COVID-19 pandemic
Pluto Press, April 2020

‘eight women’
Flock Literary Magazine, summer 2020, nominated for a Pushcart Prize

‘On the value of feeling the fear and not doing it anyway’
Litro Magazine, July 2019, selected as Editor’s Choice

Overcoming modern slavery with a rights-based labour market for all
IPPR Progressive Review, October 2018

Unions in the 21st century - adapt to survive, co-opt to grow
Open Democracy, July 2018

Oh Magazine, spring 2018

‘Women who walk alone’
Shooter Literary Magazine, summer 2017

‘Growing Younger’
Litro Magazine, spring 2017